Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ashamed of being a man!

"Don't tell me hundred ways how you cannot respond to the problem. Can you ply your mind for that one way that you can respond to the problem?"
- Sunitha Krishnan

I've always believed in the superiority of females over us when it comes to being the stronger species. But if this is what being a man is all about, I'm ashamed of it. Sunitha Krishnan(blog) co-founded Prajwala to rescue 'sex slaves' and find them safe haven. If nothing else, we could contribute our bit by sharing this video with as many people we know.

Make sure at least one of the link works.

"Can you break your culture of silence? Can you speak to at least two persons about this story? Tell them this story. Convince them to tell this story to another two persons. I'm not asking y'all to become Mahatma Gandhis or Martin Luthers or Medha Patkars, or something like that. I'm asking you, in your limited world: can you open your minds? Can you open your hearts? Can you just encompass these people too? Because they're also a part of us. They're also a part of this world."

Disclaimer: I might be guilty of yellow journalism as the title is not that relevant to the post but the purpose was to share this video with as many people as I could. The ends, baby, not the means.

P.S. If you can't access any of the links, let me know. I'll do something about it. But please, spare a few minutes to support this cause.


  1. I will definitely do my bit.. :)

  2. ur best post till date...thanks a lot

  3. @ dipa, anonymous, aprajita: appreciate the time taken out...(but why thanks to me??)...make sure people know abt these hapless victims who are ostracised for no frickin' fault of theirs!

  4. to whom are u talking to-a indian man who wouldn't stand up till his house is on fire.....i can just admire your endeavour and at the same time pity that after forwarding these links we all will forget these things somehow!will happily support ur cause....but then lets pledge to keep the cause alive and contribute towards it in any way we can...a socially useful post....keep it up!

  5. thanks man...u know wot...dats precisely my point...n i expressed it as well...on sunitha krishnan'a blog itself...our tendency, rather, habit to 'move on'...but this post here serves the purpose of promoting the cause to as many people i could so that the fight Prajwala is fighting doesnt end up in obscurity!

  6. i cannot access the plz dl n send it to me. nyc to see the youth waking up to real causes..keep up the gud work

  7. i'll send it :) we can and we will make a diff \m/

  8. i had seen it before on TED. she is doing something wonderful. lets all support the cause in the minimal ways we can. let us tell everyone about it. that is the lest bit we can do.

  9. @ haddock: now go tell! :)
    @ sona: exactly! contribution, however minimal, is what she needs :)


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